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Hi, my name is Mimmi! I'm so happy that you are here reading this!

To get to know me better it's important to know that I have two very strong personas. The first is my grown up serious persona. She's as a 28 year old software tester who got her Bachelor's degree in Cognitive Science at 22, owns her own apartment and who is currently planning her wedding. That girl's got her shit together. However, the second persona is why we're all here. That girl is a 28 year old impulsive, anxiety driven creator and she's the one who decided to take all the money she had (and borrow quite a bit of what she didn't) and put everything on hold to move to London to study Patisserie at le Cordon Bleu. 


I grew up in a tiny little village in the north of Sweden, and when I say tiny I mean tiny, there are about 50 people living there. I've been driven by creativity my entire life and for a large part it was music and theatre that was my outlet. But after uni I moved to Stockholm and suddenly the stage wasn't an option as a creative outlet anymore. I felt like you either had to put every second of every day into practicing or you had to take classes, and I wasn't interested in either. I just wanted to perform and have fun and that's when the baking came into the picture.


I didn't start baking until my early twenties and I didn't get properly hooked until I was 22 - 23. But, as with most things for me, it started with me wanting to make something that was way too difficult, and that was macarons. Unsurprisingly, that first batch was a mess. But my interest was piqued, and once I decide I'm going to do something, I'm doing it. So I spent every moment I had researching what went wrong, re-making, re-researching and repeating until I had a batch I was happy with. I was hooked.

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So I started toying with the idea of receiving formal training early, but there weren't any courses in Sweden that interested me. That's when I found le Cordon Bleu. It looked amazing and I knew that if I was going to do this, that's where I wanted to go. But it all just sounded a bit crazy to me, it was going to cost me a lot of money, I had to take a lot of time off from work and I had to move to a different country. For what? I didn't dream off going into a kitchen, my dream was just to learn. I just couldn't justify it to myself, so I put the idea on hold.


After having worked as a software tester for about three years, I kind of knew that I wasn't going to be happy with that being my entire life. I needed my creativity back. So I revisited the idea of le Cordon Bleu, and started looking at all obstacles between me and my dream. I realized each and every one of them could be overcome, for example:


I don't have the money! Well, I can apply for a spot to start in a year from now, and use that time to save up and borrow what's left. 


Moving to a new country on my own, that sounds hella scary! Yeah, but it might be great, so why not try it?


I have a boyfriend, I can't just leave for 6 months! Well, have I asked what he thinks? Turned out he thought I should go for it, so maybe I should too?


And that's how I did it, I went through every little thing that held me back and I sorted them out, which was tough as hell, but worth it. And in January 2017 I put my ass on a plane and moved to London in order to get my Diplôme de Pâtisserie, and those are the best 6 months of my life.


That brings us to this blog. I've realized that I'm not interested in bringing someone elses vision to life, but my own. This is the places where I can do that. This blog is a collection of everything I love in pastry and each recipe has been experimented with and thoroughly  worked out in order to make it the best it can be. I really hope you'll be able to find something you love and want to make here! 


If you have any questions or comments just drop me an email below. Thank you for reading, and happy baking.

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